Assembly and set-up Zero Turn

The first step our mechanics take when a zero turn tractor arrives is unpack the mower and then, check that the merchandise has arrived in perfect condition, without any defect or dent, etc.. Next, they check the presión of the tires and then adjust the oil level zero turn, to avoid problems with the motor.

The next step they perform is the regulation and adjustment of the english seat. This seat that provides us with zero rotation has a built-in safety system, which consists of a connection to the motor, acting when the seat detects weight to be able to activate the tractor, but when it does not detect weight, it stops the engine to avoid accidents and increase operator safety.

After performing the above step, our mechanic assembles and adjusts the handlebar of the zero turn, to facilitate its use for the client. The mechanic then checks the condition of the battery, measuring the tensions and the intensity of this. Next, once the voltage and amps of the battery have been checked, and these give the indicated value, you will proceed to connect it.

Once the battery and seat are connected, the tire pressure and oil level have been checked, our mechanics proceed to lift the zero-turn lawnmower to be able to mount the blades, this action is the most delicate, since the blades have to be coupled and adjusted properly, to guarantee complete safety to the client and that they do not suffer any accident.

Everything is ready! So it's time to start it up, the mechanic starts it up and checks that zero spin is working properly by doing some basic testing at our facility. Once these tests have been passed, it is carefully packed, without the zero turn mower suffering any damage or flaws, finally it is safely loaded on the carrier's truck to be sent to the customer.