Olive Pickup


The olive harvest campaign begins with what we will talk about the process of collecting this fruit in addition to the harvest of it.



Harvesting the olive

The olive tree, one of the most important trees in the Mediterranean area is the cause of creating this wonderful product, extra virgin olive oil. The oil comes directly from its fruit and after several months of gestation (7 to 9 months) it is time to pick it up. The harvest of the olive occurs with the arrival of autumn, it is important to collect the fruit at the right time to have the best quality for the creation of the oil. In this season (autumn) is when the fruit is more loaded with juices. and offers the best of itself.


The process of maturation of the olive is called veraison. During this process we can appreciate different phases. At the beginning of autumn we can see how the olive has a greenish color which has been gaining weight with the passage of time, then this fruit becomes a paler color to give way to violet spots. After the process the olive finally becomes completely purple and in that moment it will lose weight in addition to the internal humidity.

The process of maturation of the olive will depend exclusively on the area in which the crop is located, in addition to the type of climate that exists in the area, the type of harvest and the variety.

It should be noted that the olives that are collected in an early period have a longer and useful lifespan since they are a fresh fruit with a greater amount of antioxidants.

An example of maturation would be the cornicabra olive. Its maturation begins at the end of October and ends approximately in December.

How is the olive collected?

The olive growers are responsible for collecting the olives before they ripen too much and this causes a fall to the ground and consequently the loss of the fruit. Currently there are two ways to collect olives.

Manual: It is the most traditional way to harvest the olive. A system that is practically obsolete in large crops. It is a more expensive and monotonous technique because the olive tree will have to use his own hands and tools as a vareadora to collect the fruit. Varear means shaking the branches with fruits so that they fall into an olive harvesting mantle.

Machining: This way of working is carried out by machines that vibrate the trunks in addition to the use of mantles and vibrators with umbrellas and modern harvesters prepared for the harvesting of the olives.

Once the harvesting process is finished, the transport process follows, but it must be taken into account that the fruit must be transported as quickly as possible and in plastic boxes with openings to avoid the fermentation of the olive. If the fruit is transported in this way we can obtain a high quality product.

Olive picking machine

The olive machines used in this process are professional and special for individuals. The olives should be picked at the right time and necessary because by letting the exact moment pass the fruit will begin to lose quality.

At the moment we will find diverse machines like for example the vareadoras. These tools that can mount battery or motor of 2 times and produce vibrations in the branches of the trees which facilitates the fall of the olive. All this vibration is able to effect without causing any weeds in the olive tree. The part of the comb is the one that is in charge of making opposed oscillating movements that guarantee a greater performance. Actually in Intermaquinas We have a wide catalog of olive pickers with the best brands and models that will provide the greatest power and performance.

The olive pickers are soil devices that what they do is that once the shaker has done the job of varear the entire branch and therefore the fruit has fallen, this is responsible for collecting it from the ground with a roller and a hopper that we can find it in different dimensions.

The mantles of olives collection are also used in this process and there are different sizes and qualities depending on the use that will be given and the extension to be collected.

For the olive treatise there are different types of machines that help extract the juice from the fruit. In our alternative web to the olive treatment we can find all this type of machinery such as oil tanks, hydraulic presses, oil mill, and much more in MundoBodega.

Olives collector Nº1

With perforated bucket for uneven terrain. Also available with smooth bucket.

Olives collector Nº2

With perforated bucket for ready-to-use terrains Smooth bucket also available.

Olives collector Nº3

With perforated bucket for prepared land. Also available with smooth bucket.


